Friday, September 23, 2011

Labor pains!

Twenty two months + 37 weeks = One of the longest gestation periods for a mammal ever recorded~~~This is a long time to be eating for two...

No seriously, we have had a long time to think about what having a child means, to really really want it, to want to appreciate every moment, every worry, every poopy diaper and runny nose. We are ready to embark in this journey of parenthood. Last night we were walking on the beach and realized that after Monday, we will never ever not be parents again. No matter how old we get, how old Cameron gets or what happens, we will worry and love this human being until our last day. That thought is "loverly" as Clinton usually says; we have wanted a family for a long time and it is amazing to think that it is all finally coming together. We have had lots of bumps on the road but at the end it won't matter how hard it was, it will all be worth it. I often hear mothers who have delivered their children express how the pain is quickly forgotten once the baby is in their arms. Similarly, I am certain we will forget how long and tedious our journey has been the moment we set eyes on that baby.

At this point we have completed Clinton's adoption visa which by the way was incredibly easy thanks to kind human beings at the Colombian Consulate office. We were lucky the offices were not very busy since typically there are lines of people wanting their papers STAT, too. It took us exactly 90 minutes to obtain the seal and papers, including the time to take the picture and to notarize documents. Since we are traveling with "The Grandmas", we decided to do some sightseeing and shopping in Souch Beach. In the evening we worked out (repeated the "fourty-niner" cross fit WOD) and swam a few laps in the pool. We finished the evening with a long walk on the beach...Lovely!

Today we started the morning working out again. I must mention my mother-in-law kicks my butt quiet often during these exercise sessions. We have spent the rest of the day packing and getting things ready to travel tomorrow...Lots of luggage and a stroller...I am not sure how we are going to get all this stuff to the airport.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

More weekend fun!

On Sunday we headed down to Mincy to Fox Creek Farm (owned by Clinton's dad and stepmom Susie) for yet another baby shower. As usual, we started the afternoon with a horseback ride. Below is Susie and Bayou, Calico's baby, who was part of the welcoming committee.

Susie getting ready to ride Lyric

Loving on Guiness, the new addition to their farm...I call him Dreaaaamy!

We followed by playing a couple of baby games. The first one was "guess the baby food" game, which I flunked! Not sure who decided to mix up zuchinni with berries but it certainly does not sound nor taste good. No baby shower would be complete without guessing the candy bar on the diaper game. I once again, did not do well. Some more daring participants, tasted every diaper which improved their odds significantly.

It was so much fun to smell the diapers, that we decided to include our counterparts. They took the game quite seriously; in fact, Clinton guessed all but one.

After a few fun games, it was time to open Cameron's presents. Once again, it was amazing to be part of such an amazing family.

I think this man is ready to be a father =)

We ended the evening with amazing food. Cookies and cake, smoked ribs and fried fish.

This is Joan and John, Cameron's great grandparents. We are blessed to have them in our lives, and we can't wait for them to be able to hold their great grandson. John and Joan have been married 54 years and still act like newlyweds. I aspire to be just like them when I grow up!

Weekend Recap!

This past weekend was incredibly busy and fun. I am always amazed at how lucky we are to be surrounded by such kind and generous human beings. It makes me happy to see so many people, friends and family, who already love our little boy so much. On Saturday, the day started early. We went to Camp Creek to help "haul hay" which proved to be an incredible workout. We followed with breakfast at The Gateway Cafe and a horseback ride with several friends from the ranch. Cameron's baby shower followed at Paul and Paula's barn in Walnut Shade, hosted by Paula and Miko. I never in my wildest dreams imagined we would have a baby shower in the middle of a barn...So fun and so perfect.

Here is a picture with the hostesses who went all out to make us feel special and loved.
We had bbq and beer, chips, chocolate and cake which by the way was absolutely amazing.

We played games and laughed. We opened amazing presents. This baby is set! I cannot thank Paula and Miko enough for taking the time and effort to plan such an amazing celebration. I am also glad to have had the opportunity to share this experience with my friends from Camp Creek who have put up with my whining, crying and complaining during our rides.

Good times had by all!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”

This picture was taken during the last few feet of the 2009 Austin marathon. I had hit the wall, I was cramping and it was incredibly painful to take a step forward. My husband saw a lady hanging from the side rails before crossing the finish line. At first, he thought "oh, bless her little heart, she must really be hurting", and then he realized it was me! I was just dehydrated, I was exhausted, probably had not trained hard enough and oh yes...I had witnessed a woman (younger than me) die at mile 22. They reason I am writing about this is because at this moment, we are getting closer to our adoption finish line and at times I feel like I felt at that moment: Beat up!...We have never questioned our decision to adopt a child the same way it has never crossed my mind not to finish a marathon. During those last few miles, it feels as if the finish line is still out of reach, so far away it seems inconceiveable to be able to go to the other side of it. During those last few minutes, you know you are giving it 100 % but you still feel like you are running in water. Remember those dreams where you try to get away and really can't move. Sigh! I know we are getting closer to that little boy, but it sure seems we are not getting to that point soon enough. I don't know what else I can do to get there faster, to not miss out. I have done all I can and not having any more control about our progress makes me crazy! It is just the end of this marathon, our adoption journey. I am sure we will get there sooner or later, crawling if we have to.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Working on Cameron's room

Here is Cam's room. We still have a few things to add but we are almost there. So exciting!

I800 Approval...A leap forward

Today has been a fantastic day. Let me start by saying we received our I800 approval from Immigration. This means that our very long and painful paper pregnancy may actually end. It means that USCIS has given us permission to bring this sweet little boy to this country. We now wait for his immigrant visa paperwork to make it to the US Embassy in Bogota and for that to be matched with the I800 paperwork from here. When those two files "meet" they will issue the Article 5 letter giving us the green light to travel. We still have several more steps to accomplish but at least we are moving forward. Our son will turn 4 months on September 6 th, the clock is ticking and we are missing out on so much.