Four weeks ago today we received the call about Cameron. At this point, we are waiting to receive approval from Immigration. I have filled out the immigrant visa paperwork (DS230), written the email (well, just the draft) to the US embassy in Colombia and found out the information regarding Clinton's visa to go to Colombia. I believe I have done all I can do at this point. Our son's nursery is still missing the crib but hopefully we will get that assembled soon. We have stayed busy during this loooong wait. The best medicine for me is running in the mornings and spending time with the horses...I feel better when I am around every time! Here is a picture of them. I have a feeling it will be difficult to spend as much time with them when the baby comes so I am trying to get it all in before we travel.
This is Calico, my 11 year old Tennuvian mare. A very spoiled and silly horse whom I adore. I have known her since she was born in 2000 and have had the privilege of calling her my own for the past 2 years. Below is Quiqui, my 9 year old boy. He is probably the smartest and laziest horse I know. I have had him for 3 years and trust him always.
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